Asbestos was once hailed as a “miracle mineral” because of its heat and flame-resistant properties and because it doesn’t electricity it makes great insulation. Homebuilders began using it in everything from cement to insulation and it was present in some form inside nearly every home and commercial building built before 1980.
If you’re planning to sell a house that was built before the 1980s you may want to find out if asbestos is present on the property. Due to the deadly health implications, asbestos has become a red flag for those looking to renovate or buy a property, and for good reason. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), asbestos has been linked with several diseases:
- Asbestosis
- Pleural disease
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma
When left undisturbed and intact, asbestos doesn’t pose a threat to your health. The potential risks come when asbestos-containing material is broken, and microscopic fibers are released into the air. Since asbestos was commonly used as insulation in walls and around pipes simple remodels or pipe repair could easily disturb the material. If you see loose or hanging wrapping around pipes, it could be asbestos and you should be cautious when doing home improvement projects yourself.
If you think your home could have asbestos, you can get ahead of buyer objections by testing it yourself. There are DIY test kits available, but be aware that these test kits require you to disturb asbestos and potentially expose you and your family to dangerous microscopic fibers. The truth is that asbestos can only be 100% confirmed with a specialized microscope.
The Seller’s disclosure should include any known asbestos in the home. Failure to disclose could expose you to potential lawsuits. Home inspectors won’t be able to positively identify asbestos but will report an “asbestos-like material.” If this happens, don’t be surprised if a potential buyer requests testing before closing. You’re not obligated to grant this request, but you could lose the sale if you don’t.
You’re not legally required to fix or abate asbestos even if it is in your home. However, if you have exposed asbestos any buyer will want to negotiate removal (abatement) or sealing of the exposed area rather than buy a house with a known health hazard.
On average, the cost of this process can be anywhere from $1,500 to $30,000 depending on the amount and where it is located.
For the average home-buyer, a house with asbestos (exposed or not) can scare them off easily. Depending on where the asbestos is located, it could add thousands of dollars to simple maintenance and updates like pipe repair, adding insulation, or floor tile removal. Most buyers will not want to live with an asbestos risk looming over them. If you’re reasonably sure you have asbestos in your house, you can skip past the various inspections and buyer requests for testing or abatement by selling to us. We buy houses with asbestos no matter where it may be located and its condition.
Contact us today for a free consultation and a no-obligation cash offer today!